Thursday, April 27, 2006

Spring and bike

akhirnya....... sepeda saya berguna juga! Kasihan banget deh dia. Selama summer 2005 yaitu 3 bulan, dibiarkan kepanasan di parkiran Peabody Terrace. Ketika kita datang lagi di musim gugur, dia terlupakan. Karena apa? karena bannya kurang angin. Kemudian, datanglah winter. Tidak seheboh tahun 2004, tapi tetep aja.... namanya juga winter.... ya dingin. Males banget naik sepeda.

Spring 2006 datang. Hore! Tapi engga bisa gembira dulu. Soalnya cuacanya suka ganti mood. satu minggu bisa hot hot warm warm. Minggu berikut windy windy bete. Si sepeda merah tua itu ya tetep aja dicuekin.

Sampai jumat minggu lalu. Sepeda aku yang tua itu dan tambah lagi sudah karatan dan kempes, diberi tag oleh management. Si merah dianggap abandon. Jadi kalau tag-nya tidak diambil, maka dia akan di-tow! whhaaaaaa...... meracau deh aku. Ngomel-ngomel ke Ari. Seolah-olah semua kesalahan ada di Ari. Hehehe..... Luckily, my husband is the patient one.

Hari minggunya, padahal cuaca drop dan dingin. Males banget keluar apartment. Tapi aku kasihan sama si merah. Kapan dong dia didayagunakan......
Setelah susah payah bangkit dari tempat tidur, akhirnya kita pergi ke pom bensin kira-kira 10 menit dari apartment. Membawa si merah dan si hitam (sepeda Ari yang umurnya jauh lebih muda). Gratis pula ngisi anginnya!

Lucunya, setelah diisi angin, si merah jadi lincah lagi. Sementara si hitam malah rusak sak sak. Rear gear-nya karatan berat! si Ari sampai luka berdarah mencoba betulin. whuuuuu.... gimana sih, yang muda malah error.

Kemudian kemudian...... ceritanya berakhir dengan bahagia walau tidak sempurna. Si merah bisa dipakai lagi oleh si nyonyah untuk berangkat dan pulang kerja. Sooo happy. Si nyonyah engga capek lagi jalan kaki dan bisa menikmati Charles River.... si merah engga bosen lagi nongkrong di parkiran.

Tapi ya ituuuu..... si merah tidak bisa lagi jalan-jalan sama si hitam!


Saturday, April 22, 2006

the forgotten Revolutionary hero

Hari ini membaca puisi "Paul Revere's Midnight Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Sebab Senin yang lalu adalah hari libur Patriots' Day di Massachussetts & Maine. (tapi sayangnya Harvard tidak mau libur dan artinya Ari tetap kuliah dan aku tetap bekerja).

Patriots Day intinya mengenang kemenangan Patriot Amerika/minutemen terhadap tentara Inggris di tahun 1775. Beberapa tokoh pemberontakan yang populer adalah John Hancock (yang punya menara tinggi) dan Samuel Adams (yang namanya jadi merek bir).

Tokoh yang juga aku kenal karena berkali-kali napak tilas freedom trail, adalah Paul Revere. Rumahnya masih ada sampai sekarang di daerah Little Italy jadi museum. Tapi sayangnya di buku guide Boston (yang aku punya) dibilang 'tidak perlu kesana'. Jadinya aku tidak pernah kesana!

Paul Revere dengan kudanya pergi di suatu malam untuk memberikan peringatan pada pemberontak-pemberontak yang lain di Concord/Lexington untuk bersiap karena tentara Inggris akan menyerang. Jadi Revere adalah pahlawan.

Tapi sebenarnya Paul Revere tidak sendiri. Ia pergi melalui jalan sungai dan ada seorang lagi yaitu William Dawes yang pergi melalui darat.

The night was over.... Paul Revere was a hero. How about William Dawes? Check this:

So Forgotten It's Funny

Over the years, Dawes' relative anonymity has become something of a joke. In 1896, Helen F. Moore published a parody of Longfellow's famous poem about the historic night, entitled "The Midnight Ride of William Dawes," one verse of which reads:'Tis all very well for the children to hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere;But why should my name be quite forgot,Who rode as boldly and well, God wot?Why should I ask? The reason is clear --My name was Dawes and his Revere.

A cartoon in the early 1960s turned on the same humor, namely that "Dawes" was a name less suited for rhyming than "Revere" (in that comic strip, Longfellow is stuck on "Listen my children while I pause, to tell the ride of William Dawes" when his wife suggests using the name of that other rider). More recently Dawes was the punchline on an episode of "The Simpsons," as the epitome of the forgotten Revolutionary hero.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Just in case

I haven't told you yet today....

I love you!

;) me too me too


Friday, April 14, 2006

holy holy

Holy Friday
truly blessing day.
you can have your skin tanned by the sun .
you can have your refreshing ice coffee. ehm smells good.
you can have the grass covered your open leg.
you can have the happy fat doves.
you can have the pretty girls (and cute boys) walking around.

it's just a perfect day. it's sooo tempting.

but I want to restrain to enjoy the too much things. it's holy friday.
I need that silentio.....
ehm.... for a while


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Order and Chaos

The nature of ORDER & CHAOS

We adore chaos because we love to produce order (M.C. Escher)

what a reflective statement. at least for me, who loves order, who makes lists.

I saw the exhibit in University Place coincidentally. but I said to Ari I don't think I adore chaos. I hate it. I adore something routine. I love order because it's beautiful.


Monday, April 10, 2006


Where is the moment when we need it the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue sky's faded to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carrying on

Stand in the line just ahead of the law
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carrying on

*Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carrying on *

Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing it turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know that you could be well oh that strong
Well I'm not wrong

So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost *

You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Jul, enjoy this song very much

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Cute lines from cute boy

"Bank apah? BII apah?"

"Aku moncong putih!"

"Kapi (sapi) ..... kekakutan (ketakutan) .... napas (panas) .... yapung (payung)...."

"Ami...Ami (bell sounds)"

"Gak sampoooo!"

"tu lumah ami (ke rumah ami)"

"Ni, cacar nih cacar"

"Kak, tolongin dong kak!"

"Bohong aja sana sendiri!"

"utule (lutuye)"

"Mamaahhhhhhhh..... (nada sebel)"

"Aku ga mau dipenjara..... (meraung-raung)"

"Ko cium terus sihhhh"

"Eh, itu kan punya koooo (aku)"

"rumpuk (rumput), trompek (trompet)"

"hijo (hijau), hitem (hitam)"

"Ah Ami ko ga tau sih, ini kan Akohhh (aku)...."

"Om sekolahnya bahasa Inggris yah?"

"Om Ari agamanya apa?"

"Om bodoh bener sih"

"Om Ari ga boleh dikasitahu!"

"Aku lagi makan kue bulu (bolu)"

Beben, Om Ari dan Ami miss you so much. You will be 5 this month. keep cute forever, oke? Jul